Saturday, October 10, 2009

BP8_20091011_Student Blog Comments

Steve Mohler said...

Tom, I really like this site that you have come across. I am impressed with the ease of use. I like the way everything is right there, and very accessible. I think this would be an awesome choice in your creation for To Kill A Mocking Bird. I like your thoughts and especially the gallery walk idea allowing students a chance to walk through each other's sites. What a great idea! I'm going to play around with the site a little bit and see if I think my sixth graders might be able to incorporate it into their classroom instruction. We are going to do a unit in the spring that involves researching music, art and culture of different major cities. This could be a great tool for that. Thanks for pointing it out.

Steve Mohler said...

Michael, Very nice slide presentation. that pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell, doesn't it?

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