Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BP15_20091018_Research and Blogging about Web 2.0_Student Post

Student blog reading post


Steve Mohler said...

I like the fact that Noteflight has appeared. I hated losing my notepad program. I like this site too and I think it has a lot of uses. I would be excited to see some of the things your kids might produce. This could maybe something that we might be able to have our students look at each other's compositions and then exchange ideas and thoughts. This would be cool to use between two schools as a pen pal type of project.


Kelly McKinley said...

I think this is a great idea, Steve. I might be able to do this near the end of the year. What do you think?


Steve Mohler said...

Maybe the end of the year, or, considering what state we may both be in we might want to try and do it next school year. WE may be putting ourselves into a lot of extra trouble if we are not careful.