Friday, October 2, 2009

BP3_20091004_ Google Reader RSS Feeds

Blog #3 Google Reader

RSS Feeds
Music Teacher Resources
Music Education Research
Music Education Blog
List of Web 2.0 lists
Web2.0 Tools and Applications
YouTube-Web 2.0 Research

I have chosen to subscribe to these RSS feeds because they are pertinent to my career or continuing education. In reading through the music resource sites and blogs, each contains vital leads to information that may prove helpful to me professionally. Music Education Research supplies the latest in research trends and information, while the Music Education Blog allows insight into the dealings of other educators. Allowing me to see that perhaps I am not the only one dealing with some of the problems that brings one down. The Music Education Resources as well as MENC sites offer new ideas and thoughts for presenting and incorporating material into lesson plans.

The Web 2.0 sites simply supply me with lots of information that I may be able to use in my master?s program study and general education classroom.

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