Saturday, October 10, 2009

BP5_20091011_ Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0 Animated avatars. Recursion

What a great site for photo enhancements. I can see myself using this site in creating animations that I can incorporate into my lessons and presentations. The use of novel material is often to key to keeping a student’s interest in presentation. I can see how the picture animations created in this site might be use as a key part in a keynote or powerpoint presentation. I can see great versatility, especially with certain key features that will allow students to get a grasp on the point that is trying to be made.

I present a senior presentation each year of my graduates and it is something that is relished by all. I can see using some of these features to better enhance the work that I create. I think this will be a great site to become familiar with. (2009). Web Applications Index. Retrieved October 9, 2009 from

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