Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
BP15_20091018_Research and Blogging about Web 2.0_Student Post
- Steve Mohler said...
I like the fact that Noteflight has appeared. I hated losing my notepad program. I like this site too and I think it has a lot of uses. I would be excited to see some of the things your kids might produce. This could maybe something that we might be able to have our students look at each other's compositions and then exchange ideas and thoughts. This would be cool to use between two schools as a pen pal type of project.- October 14, 2009 7:38 PM
BP14_20091018_Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0
This site is tremendous! I love all the functionality of this site. There are so many options available in this site. I especially like the games that can be created. They are so easy to create and the students would be so engaged. It would be such a great tool for remediation, reinforcement of concepts, and assessment of material. I think I will get a great deal of use out of this site.
BP13_20091018_Research and Blogging about Web 2.0
I have used notepad with my students, but with the upgrading of our school labs we lost the free site. I was pleased to find this site. It is fairly easy to navigate and could be so useful for my intermediate classes to compose melodies. I can see this as a tool used in conjunction with Garage Band. Students create their compositions in notelight, transfer to Garage Band using the keyboard to enter the information, and add accompaniments to their melody to create an original orchestrated composition. A great composition tool for the moneyJ
BP12_20091018_Research and Blogging about Web 2.0

What a great tool!!! I love how user friendly this site is to use. Even a novice can quickly generate great looking tests for their students. I thought this was so easy to navigate and understand, that a teacher could create any kind of test they would like. And the even better part is that it is free!!! Awesome!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I really think that media literacy has made a huge change in our society. With the explosion of technology our society, our world has changed. The days of the pen and paper are gone and the possibilities for the future are endless. Tessa Jolls, President of Center for Media Literacy, gives the definition of Media Literacy as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in all of its forms (print, video, internet) and really helps us understand the role of our relationship to media in our society. (Jolls, 2009)
Teachers will often insert technology into their curriculum as a means to help achieve standards. However, teachers who use technology for these purposes generally experience the greatest disappointment. A teacher incorporating technology where and when it makes sense will realize a greater sense of accomplishment in the completion of a project. Understanding that technology is not the main goal allows student’s to enhance their skills in writing, discussion, and analysis and to grow through their experience with technology. (Learmont, 2003)
Students generally show an increase in their general knowledge and basic communication skills. After all, one can’t understand without creating it yourself from the inside out. (Funesco)
Developing a rubric will help establish clear and concise goals for students in the creation of their product. However, teachers should keep in mind that some technological assignments can become overwhelming for both the students and the teachers. The student should be creating and learning through their research and implementation of the tools available to them, not the teacher. So a teacher must be careful not to let the task overtake their management of the project. Careful observation and monitoring of the students will help in the student’s development of critical thinking skills, understanding how media affects society, behavior, and health; identify sources of bias, and distinguish between fact and fiction. (Learmont, 2003)
I would want my student’s in my school to know that with all of the web’s potential for opening up the world of knowledge to the student’s of today and tomorrow media literacy can be a tremendous tool. Through developing communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively their daily lives and educational experiences would be truly enhanced. With ample preparation, video productions can become an exciting way to get students involved with classroom content. (Learmont, 2003)
Funesco, N. (Producer). Using video in the classroom [Episode 12]. Interview with Michael Needleman, Understand Media Podcast. Podcast retrieved from
Learmont, D. Collaborating for Success, June 2003. Cable in the classroom, June 2003. Retrieved from on October 11, 2009.
Jolls, T. (August,2008). Media Literacy, Education and Choice [YouTube]. Video posted to
Royalty free photo courtesy of
Monday, October 12, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009
BP8_20091011_Student Blog Comments
Tom, I really like this site that you have come across. I am impressed with the ease of use. I like the way everything is right there, and very accessible. I think this would be an awesome choice in your creation for To Kill A Mocking Bird. I like your thoughts and especially the gallery walk idea allowing students a chance to walk through each other's sites. What a great idea! I'm going to play around with the site a little bit and see if I think my sixth graders might be able to incorporate it into their classroom instruction. We are going to do a unit in the spring that involves researching music, art and culture of different major cities. This could be a great tool for that. Thanks for pointing it out.
Michael, Very nice slide presentation. that pretty much sums it all up in a nutshell, doesn't it?
BP7_20091011_Research and Blogging about Web 2.0
A good site for creating rhythm cards and charicatures that I may want to include in lesson presentations An individual can go into sketch fu, create a drawing, designate the speed as to how fast the drawing should appear and then download the drawing to use with presentations. I’m not sure if it will work with smartboard just yet, but it appears that if I can’t get the animation to activate, I can still make use of the initial drawing.
BP6_20091011_Research and Blogging about Web 2.0
I would like to make use of the google doc applications. I can see so many of them being useful in my learning situation and teaching environment. I love the many uses of google docs. The forms would be so helpful in quick onsite evaluations that I plan to use in my AR project, and the documents will be extremely helpful in collaborating with students and teachers for group discussions. The spreadsheets are an item that I can collaborate on with my fellow department members in working with student’s accounts and fundraising tracking. (2009). Web Applications Index. Retrieved October 9, 2009 from
BP5_20091011_ Researching and Blogging about Web 2.0
What a great site for photo enhancements. I can see myself using this site in creating animations that I can incorporate into my lessons and presentations. The use of novel material is often to key to keeping a student’s interest in presentation. I can see how the picture animations created in this site might be use as a key part in a keynote or powerpoint presentation. I can see great versatility, especially with certain key features that will allow students to get a grasp on the point that is trying to be made.
I present a senior presentation each year of my graduates and it is something that is relished by all. I can see using some of these features to better enhance the work that I create. I think this will be a great site to become familiar with. (2009). Web Applications Index. Retrieved October 9, 2009 from
Thursday, October 8, 2009
BP4_20091011_Social Bookmarking
Social bookmarking can be useful as a way to access a consolidated set of bookmarks from various computer, organize large numbers of bookmarks, and share bookmarks with contacts. (Krause, 2008). Recently, collaborative tagging has grown in popularity on the web sites that allow users to tag bookmarks, photographs and other content. (Golder and Huberman, 2006).
The use of tags allows an individual to set up criteria that is not only meaningful for their purposes, but others may have similar interests or additionally tagged bookmarks that could be shared. I could see this being really useful in a learning environment where students or faculty may be working on a group assignment or project. They teams, or groups, could collaborate on a set of tags and contribute to them as they find relative web sites that would benefit the group.
The advantages of tagging are personal knowledge management; serendipitous access to resources; and enhanced possibilities to share content with emerging social networks. (Vuorikari, May 2007) This could prove extremely helpful in the world of education.
Social bookmarking as a team, or group
- allows individuals and the group to conduct and share research
- allows author and book updates
- allows individuals to follow student research direction
o ie. Teachers following students
- allows sharing of research and information
- creates unintended learning through resource discovery and information
- allows sharing of links to current news and classroom discussions
- allows sharing accounts between educators and students
These are just a few of the advantages to using the tool of social bookmarking for the enrichment of education. Students and teachers alike can all benefit from the use of these tools.
More and more social tagging services are becoming available to the consumer. But, along with the emerging of so many sites a fatigue in social networking has already emerged and there has been dissatisfaction occur. (Vuorikari, May 2007) Will the world wide internet become so engulfed that we will need to look for new and faster ways of utilizing information and tools? That is an overwhelming prospect of what the future may hold. Individuals should allow themselves to grow through these experiences and the use of the social bookmarking is the beginning of large things to come. More collaboration will be created upon much large scales and venues.
Vuorikari, R. (2007). Folksonomies, social bookmarking and tagging: State-of-the-art.
Retrieved October 5, 2009 from
Golder, S. and Huberman, B. A. (2005). The structure of collaborative tagging systems.
Retrieved October 6, 2009 from
Social bookmarkings, 2007. Retrieved October 6, 2009 from